The Caribbean Coastal Area
Management Foundation (C-CAM) is a non-government organization
(NGO), devoted to the promotion of coastal conservation in Jamaica. C-CAM
is responsible for protecting and monitoring the Portland Bight created on
Earth Day (April 22) 1999. It extends from South Clarendon to St. Catherine,
with approximately 200 mile2 of land and 524 mile2 of
marine space. The Portland Bight Protected Area (PBPA) is Jamaica's largest
protected area to date. It is home to birds, iguanas, crocodiles, manatees,
marine turtles, and fish, many of which are endemic to the area.
The PBPA provides a habitat for the
variety of Jamaican wildlife living in the sanctuary; mangroves and sea grass
beds are excellent nursery grounds for juvenile fish, crustaceans, and
molluscs. Beaches on the mainland and on the inshore coral cays are major
nesting sites for sea turtles. Manatees are now rare, but many crocodiles
inhabit the rivers and wetlands.